Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

2024 VFP Virtual Convention, Workshop

Korean American Peace Fund held a workshop titled ‘Justice for Korean Atomic Bomb Victims’ at the Veterans for Peace (VFP) National Convention held online on Friday, August 16th under the theme of ‘Korean American Community and the Anti-War and Anti-Nuclear Movement’. On this day, six preparatory committee members for the ‘2026 Korean People’s Tribunal for Atomic Bomb Victims’ came forward and requested participation in the people’s court. Accordingly, VFP willingly promised to participate. You can find more information on the People's Tribunal for Atomic Bomb Victims website.

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Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

Korea Peace Forum

We are deeply concerned that military tensions have been escalating on the Korean Peninsula these months. Let’s hear from an expert on the situation. Korean American Peace Fund will hold a peace forum on March 16 at 7 pm (eastern time). Mr. Wook Sik Chung, president of the Korea Peace Network, will present. English interpretation will be provided. Scan the QR code for Zoom link.

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Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

Peace Conference in Japan

From June 5 to 11, the Korean American Peace Fund held a 6-day event in Japan at the invitation of three organizations in Korea (Denuclearization Peace Korea-Japan Exchange Visiting Group, International People's Tribunal Executive Committee/Solidarity for Peace And Reunification of Korea, Nuclear Contaminated Water STOP Citizens' March). We returned after visiting 6 cities (Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe) and carrying out anti-nuclear movement exchange/solidarity activities. We will provide you with activity news by date.

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Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

Peace Rally and March in Washington DC

On Saturday, July 27, Korean American Peace Fund (KAPF) participated in the Korea Peace Rally and March in Washington, D.C. to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the Armistice Agreement.

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Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

TSQ Ad Campaign for Peace in Korea

Good News!

7/31, Our recent YouTube videos and other platforms, such as TikTok and Facebook Reels, have been a tremendous success, reaching over 140,000 views in just several days. Let’s build on this momentum and aim to reach an even larger audience by this Sunday. We also reached out to the 300 national assembly members in Korea. Starting next Monday, we will be reaching out to the 435 legislators in the U.S. Congress and White House with our peace messages. We deeply appreciate your support in sharing the video widely.

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Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

Interview 2, Adoptee

My name is Becky Belcore and I am a Korean American intercountry adoptee. I was adopted when I was almost one year old in 1973 to two American parents who at that time lived in Minnesota. When I was five years old we moved to the South. I mainly grew up in Virginia and Alabama at a time when there were few other Asian Americans living in the American South.

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Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

Interview 1, Survivor

I am Yoo Yong-yi and I am 86 years old, born in 1938 in Seoul. My mother, Suh Eum-jeon, was from Masan, a city in the South Gyeongsang Province and my father, Yoo Soon-bok, was from the North. They first met when he went down to Masan for work. They set off for the North after my mom got pregnant with me. I was later told that she almost had a delivery on a running train.

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Korean American Peace Fund . Korean American Peace Fund .

Korean American March for Peace in Korea

On April 27, Korean American March for Peace in Korea was successfully held. It was a commemorating event of the Panmunjom Declaration, demanding three urgent calls for peace on the Korean Peninsula:

1. End the Korean War, Peace Agreement Now

2. For Peace in Korea, No More US-ROK War Drills

3. Korea Peace Now, Korea is One

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