Korean American March for Peace in Korea

On April 27, Korean American March for Peace in Korea was successfully held. It was a commemorating event of the Panmunjom Declaration, demanding three urgent calls for peace on the Korean Peninsula:

1. End the Korean War, Peace Agreement Now
2. For Peace in Korea, No More US-ROK War Drills
3. Korea Peace Now, Korea is One

We marched in NYC through consulate of North and South Korea, and the UN headquarter, chanting at the top of our lung in an effort to make our voice for peace heard. Thank you everyone for taking part and virtually supporting!

🤲🏼 co-sponsored by 미주한인평화재단 (Korean American Peace Fund-KAPF @kapeacefund )
코리아피스나우 (Korea Peace Now!-KPN)
민족화해협력범뉴욕협의회 (Korean Council for Reunification and Cooperation of Greater New York-KCRC of NY
6.15 공동선언 미국위원회 (6.15 US Committee for Reunification of Korea-6.15 US Committee)
뉴욕 흥사단 (HeungSaDahn NY-YKA NY)

📸 by KCMB


Interview 1, Survivor